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Category: Sleeping Tips

Are Drugstore Sleep Aids Safe?

Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Fri 10/26/2018

Dozens of sleep aids clog the aisles of chain and local drug stores. While these products claim they can provide a restful night’s sleep, many people are wary of these claims and wonder if there are any harmful side effects. In a recent Harvard Health article, Dr. Lawrence Epstein, an instructor in medicine at Harvard…

How to Adjust Your Sleep Routine During Summer

Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Mon 08/27/2018

For many of us, the summer months mean traveling, social gatherings and staying out late. The uptick in activities, however, sometimes comes at the risk of losing a good night’s rest. If a change in your schedule has you missing out on sleep this summer, Dr. Ivan Stein of New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions offers…

Tips for Better Sleep While Traveling

Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Thu 03/29/2018

Crossing time zones, long layovers and the inherent stress of transit can make it seem next to impossible to get a good night’s sleep when you travel. While it’s hard to compare to the comfort of your own bed, there are some steps you can take to maximize rest on the road. In this blog…

The Best Exercises for Sleep

Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Sat 09/30/2017

If you suffer from sleep apnea, chronic insomnia or another sleep disorder, getting your regular dose of exercise can help. Research shows working out can increase overall quality of sleep as well as improve symptoms of certain sleep disorders. But not all exercise is equal. In this blog post, New Jersey sleep apnea specialist Dr….

How Much Should My Child Sleep?

Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Thu 03/30/2017
How much should my child sleep?

Are you concerned that your child is not sleeping enough? Or perhaps you wonder if they’re sleeping too much. Both of these are common concerns among parents, and for good reason. A good night’s rest is essential to a child’s wellbeing and success. As a parent, it is important to understand that the amount of…

New Year’s Resolutions for Better Sleep

Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Tue 12/27/2016
New Year Resolutions for Better Sleep

Is a happier, healthier you on top of your list of New Year’s resolutions? If so, getting a good night’s sleep is one of the easiest ways to improve your life. Research shows sleep can help increase cognitive function (e.g., memory, concentration skills) and lower one’s risk of chronic conditions including diabetes. In this blog…